Community Engagement

published 2nd of December 2021.

A week working with HOLON, Barcelona-based design consultancy, encouraging us to think about our systems as bodies in constant movement.

During this week we started situating our group intervention in context of the city by understanding the “social body” of our project. For me personally it's also been quite an intensive week sine I changed my group from "Ancestry, Tech and Nature" to "Unlearning to Learn". By a crazy coincidence, this seminar was probably the best time to do it, since we were forced to take a step back in our process before rushing to the intervention. Becoming part of the group and trying to integrate my areas of interest has been quite rewarding for me. Since the start of MDEF I already thought that this group would probably be the best suited based on my previous engagements and aspirations in the future to redefine educative systems. We were able to change our challenge and started mapping the local community in Barcelona already working on the topic.

Look Around: My Call vs What is Emerging

We started by reconsidering our personal interests once again with a specific framework in mind that you can observe below.

What is urgently waiting to be born in the world?

1) New Forms of Language, taking into account a variety of topics that have surged in the pat years such as gender pronouns, etc. Moreover, what might not have been so obvious but was a personal interest of mine, was the inefficiency in communicating certain situations whenever people's feelings were involved. I would always imagine a situation where somebody would ask me how I'm feeling and I would simply respond 'good', at the same time suppressing a mixture of emotions just because it would be very hard to explain with words. Finally, use of language should be more adapted based on cognitive diversity and we should definitely explore new ways of constructing meanings other than what was already developed by dominant cultures in the past.
2) New Forms of Education, stepping away from centralised systems based on competition, success, demands from the world, expectations of parents and everything else that goes with it. I think you know what I mean.
3) Inherited Behaviours, such that our subconscious mind, highly developed in earlier periods of our life and influenced by our parents, schools, cultures and others and is widely not considered when taking decisions.
4) Normalising Difference. Both human and other species. It's time to make a final push to diversity of mind and body, and forget that You, I, Us and whatnot are the smartest or the most developed or whatever else that humans, or majorities think about themselves.  

What evidences can I find around me supporting the urgency?

1) One particular personal evidence that I've had in the past months has been a complete subconscious aversion to certain gender pronouns which would be plural for individuals such as 'They'. Although expressing a big effort from my side to adapt this pronoun in referring to non-binary persons with it, I just instinctively couldn't because in my opinion there is a lack of new words for such matters. Together with some classmates we thought of changing it to "Xi" but it never stayed. There are many examples such as these in all kinds of topics ranging from politics, to feelings, to art.
2) There are too many to list.
3) One such thing I was interested in is understanding whether I didn't display any affection toward men due to me 'naturally' not being gay or because my mind was actually blocking me at a granular level based on my subconsciousness developed beforehand. All kinds of important topics around racism, sexuality, and others should be reconsidered personally by trying to actively understand what your mind isn't telling you.

Which glimpses can I find in the present of those futures waiting to be born?

1) Certain cultures and their languages are very much alive and fluid compared to others. On in particular which haven't expressed any change in the past years nor desire to adapt is Russian, where I wouldn't even be able to explain to my friends what I meant to my friends simply due to lack of existent words. Moreover, another such examples regarding the mix of spoken language with other senses to provide more information were expressed in fiction and fantasy. Particularly, one of my favourites is an example from Patrick Rothfuss's "Wise Man's Fear" where one of the nations combines sign language with spoken word. Other interesting example I like is using traditional african dance as a way of communication, or even such a simple thing as singing can a lot of time tell us much more that talking. Basically, let's create a NO TALK communication.
2) Creations of new centres of learning such as bootcamps. No School Manifesto. Etc.

An idea of an intervention came up from this ideation session which I'm very excited to experiment with as soon as I can. I want to explore and study changes of behaviour based on the language I speak. Oftentimes, friends who know me in different languages would say, usually very surprised, how different of a person I am depending on the language I speak. Therefore, I want to conduct an experiment where I would record myself speaking in Spanish, Russian, and English in similar situations and create a sentiment analysis as well as look at different sound frequencies and how much they change, the intervals of time I would speak and pause, among others.

Sculpture of Bodies

Quite a new thing was to create a sculpture of bodies (4D Mapping) to represent how the class view the topic of education. It was particularly interested to me to see how our body can be used as a language and how we can express quite deep and important thoughts that we all had around such topic by just using our body and becoming more conscious about it. Below you could observe the last sculpture that we created.

The class was separated into actors and spectators and as you can see, I had a role of what 'privilege' plays in education. An unexpected finding was the relationship between the internal and external vision about the act and how many insights the spectators were able to bring to the game, little details that we as actors completely missed about our behaviour. It made us aware that the reality you perceive is only your small little bubble.

Local Ecosystem Mapping (from ego to eco)

As part of the “Unlearning to learn group” we had the assignment of designing a collective intervention.

Optimising the challenge frame:

We studied in systems created by the needs of previous generations and led by them. Today's needs changed and the hierarchy in teaching and learning should change as well. How can we change what we learn and how we learn it? How can we create new ways of learning, by raising our voice and showing our needs? Also how can we be aware of those needs?

- How can we change what we learn and how we learn it?
- How can we create new ways of learning, by raising our voice and showing our needs?
- How can we become aware of those needs?
- How can we fight against the inherited behaviours and previous generations telling us how and what to learn.

Identifying the local ecosystem:

We started mapping the communities in Barcelona already working on this topic. We focused on few of them to understand their current context and think about potential collaborations.

Another collective not mentioned in the graphs below was "No School" which actually is also a movement that wants to open up the meaning of learning and fundamentally questions traditional education, through creativity. Curiosity, experimentation, unrestricted thinking, making and developing—by yourself and in collaboration with others—are basic elements of all forms of learning and living together. In the current educational system these values are regularly overshadowed by rules, legislation, bureaucracy, a unitary approach, and little attention to the intrinsic inquisitiveness of both the student and the teacher. Personally for me, I got inspired in decentralised nodes and networks of people playing the role of school by themselves, connecting and teaching each other, and contributing to the overall success of education by taking a healthy dose of responsibility and proactiveness instead of being passive actors in a centralised educative body who always complain how bad everything is.

Next steps for our group:

We listed on this map a list of actions, projects, initiatives we think would contribute to solve our challenge. It is still in progress as we continue exploring the topic and meeting with the ecosystem involved. Our design intervention is not defined yet so it doesn't appear on the map.