Bootcamp & Identity

published 11th of October 2021.

Becoming a hybrid designer and understanding my professional identity whilst having some fun in bcn :)

Past | Present "I" Statements

- Obsessed with how Immersive Media (+ film) can tell (/storytelling/speculate) possible futures.
- Excited and highly aware about the synergies between AI & Design practice.
- Against centralised system thinking, consumerist mindsets and passive behaviours on societal problems.
- Vocal about regenerative practices toward the planet, society, and self.
- Talented in human-centric approach to design (as per UX).Good eye for design and aesthetics with a focus on type and lettering.
- Exploring how indigenous practices can be a solution to many societal problems as compared to tech positive outlook (community life, self-sufficiency, spirituality through shaman ceremonies, every self as a teacher).
- An advocate for ""No School Manifesto", empowering access to information (reference to KAI).
- A programming enthusiast who can code a web page, web app and creative sketch.
- Familiar and passionate about the research & applications of Cognitive Science.
- A starting permaculture designer with the goal to fight industrial farming and fishing and empowering communities through food (+ focus on compost, soil mycelium, and water).
- Experienced in business processes of startups, leading and influencing teams, structuring and improving processes.Getting out of my comfort zone constantly for the sake of learning and seeing what I wouldn't consider before.
- Authentic and not scared to fight for my belief, especially when peer-pressured to conform to certain standards.
- Honest to the point that it hurts but always to help people progress.

Closest topics to associate with ("The Brick Wall")

- Fantasy & Sci-Fi as a tool to dream and imagine alternative futures/realities.
- Spiritual experiences.
- Surfing as a process of enjoying the tranquility and sharing the state of mind with the ocean, as well as facing the power of nature and flowing with it.
- Authentic living as the mode of travelling.
- Aesthetics (Soviet, African tribe music and language representation, Samurai, Tarkovsy (form and voice) vs Kubrick, Bukowski's poetry, War Poets) and beauty for no purpose.World-building in books and games.
- Alternative educational practices and topics.
- Combination of different forms of language (i.e., Russian writing in english form) and their interpretation through lettering.
- Poetry through visual and musical enhancements.Space Exploration and Astrophysics.

Future "I" Statements

- Gain more knowledge in micro, behaviour, and synthetic biology.
- Practice my knowledge in agriculture.
- Dive deeper into Cognitive Science (focus on theory to augment the UX practice and ethics).
- Tell my idea in 1PP out to the world, neighbourhoods, and communities (city-based, local impact), stop being scared of my insecurities in my own art and experiment more to find my own voice and identity (i.e., hands obsession reference to George).
- Explore fabric design for self-sufficiency and non-constrained aesthetic.
- Cook biomaterials for construction and fabrics.
- Dive deeper into creative direction through film, stories, and scrips.
- Learn how to sketch to constantly represent my ideas visually.
- Develop my education manifesto to change perceptions about what it means to be a 'wandering student'.
- Develop my own type and keep creating letter forms.
- Always document my thoughts to share with the world and inspire at least one person through it.
- Play more with welding and metal and create one piece of art to see if it's my thing or not.

My Fight Poster

Thinking about my fight for the semester has been heavily influenced by my late explorations in permaculture and terrible consequences of industrial agriculture.

The theme of "Screw Sustainability" led to some erroneous impressions in class. It's also been the first work we ever presented to each other, and in my own fashion, I always think it's better to make a bold first impression from the beginning onwards.

The story I always like to accompany together with the poster goes as follows:

Imagine you've been in a relationship for a long period of time, let's say 10 years. In the beginning of the relationship, you went on a couple of dates, you slowly started to follow in love with the other person. It's the best time you're having in your life... As you start a relationship, you are slowly getting into a routine, but your partner, all of a sudden, is becoming a total toxic bully, taking advantage of your emotions, body and everything else that's part of you. Such a horrific relationship is going on for years now, after the partner realises that they've been terrible to you and starts apologising and saying they won't do these terrible things to you know.

Would you want to sustain such a relationship? I think now. At the very least, after years of degenerating the relationship, one can't just go back to normal, one needs to rebuild, improve and regenerate what's been lost.

That's a metaphor I've chosen to present the first week of MDEF to my classmates, signalling that the relationship between humans and the planet can't be of a sustainable nature but that of regeneration.